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File Created: 13-Mar-1986 by Larry Jones (LDJ)
Last Edit:  13-Jun-2013 by Nicole Barlow (NB)

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NMI 082M7 Ree2
BCGS Map 082M037
Status Showing NTS Map 082M07E
Latitude 051º 21' 30'' UTM 11 (NAD 83)
Longitude 118º 44' 34'' Northing 5691116
Easting 378658
Commodities Cerium, Lanthanum, Niobium, Molybdenum, Copper, Zinc, Neodymium, Rare Earths, Titanium Deposit Types N01 : Carbonatite-hosted deposits
Tectonic Belt Omineca Terrane Monashee
Capsule Geology

The Ren anomaly lies within the Monashee Complex along the western margin of the Frenchman Cap Dome. The core of the dome is composed of a probably Aphebian mixed paragneiss and orthogneiss succession, and is mantled by an unconformably overlying succession of metasedimentary rocks, locally intruded by a suite of alkalic gneiss. The metasediments consist of a basal quartzite unit overlain by a succession of interbanded pelitic schists, pelitic gneiss, calc-silicate and marble.

Two types of carbonatites occur within the calc-silicate unit. Type I is concordant within quartz-biotite-gneiss, quartz-amphibole gneiss and quartzite. It trends northwest for 3 kilometres and dips to the southwest, and varies from 20 to 200 metres in width. The carbonatite averages 60 to 80 per cent calcite and 10 to 30 per cent apatite, with accessory biotite, amphibole, sphene and minor pyrrhotite, pyrite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, molybdenite, pyrochlore and monazite. The carbonatite is associated with pyroxene-amphibole fenites. Type II, occurring 2 kilometres to the west, is concordant with a white marble unit and other metasedimentary layers and has been interpreted to be a pyroclastic flow grading to an ash-fall carbonatite tuff

In 1983, Duval International Corp. completed geological mapping and soil and rock sampling in the Myoff Creek area. Highlights of the rock sampling include sample RE82K150R, which assayed 1.139 per cent titanium, and sample RE83K28R, which assayed 0.989 per cent cerium and 0.6965 per cent lanthanum (Assessment Report 11639).

In 1986, Chris Graf staked the Myoff creek property and optioned the property to Teck Corp.

In 1988, Teck Explorations Ltd. completed stream silt sampling, back-hoe trenching, chip sampling and magnetometer and spectrometer/scintillometer geophysical surveys.

In 2001, Cross Lake Minerals Ltd. staked the Myoff Creek property, and proceeded to reconstruct access roads and conduct an exploration program of geological mapping, rock sampling and trenching.

In 2010, International Bethlehem Mining Corp. optioned the Myoff Creek property from Cross Lake Minerals Ltd. and completed an exploration program of helicopter reconnaissance and rock channel and grab sampling.

In 2011, International Bethlehem Mining Corp. refurbished 11 kilometres of logging roads, built two temporary bridges and completed 1134 metres of diamond drilling.

EMPR ASS RPT *11639, 17182, 26811, 31675, 32959
EMPR EXPL 1983-161
EMPR FIELDWORK 1981, pp. 194,199; 1985, pp. 69-88
ECON GEOL *Vol. 81, 1986, pp. 1374-1386
EMPR OF *1987-17, p. 54
GSC MAP 12-1964
GSC OF 637
GSC P 64-32
CJES v. II, pp. 304-318 (McMillan, W.J., and Moore Jr., J.M. (1974)
Placer Dome File
EMPR PFD 885837, 885838, 700097